Project BG05M9OP001-3.015 Integrated Trainings for the Administration in Institutions, working on the Labour Market and in the Social Sphere under Operational Programme Human Resources Development

21.08.2019 - 09:25

CHRDRI launched project BG05M9OP001-3.015 Integrated Trainings for the Administration in Institutions, working on  the Labour Market and in the Social Sphere. It is implemented under Priority Axes # 1 "Improving Access to Employment and Quality of Jobs" and # 3 "Modernizing Institutions in the Field of Social Inclusion, Health, Equal Opportunities and Non-Discrimination and Working Conditions" of the Operational Programme Human Resources Development with the financial support of the European Union.

The project has a 24-month implementation period, beginning August 1, 2018.

The beneficiary is the Center for Human Resources Development and Regional Initiatives.

The project aims to contribute to the modernization of the institutions on the labor market and the social sphere by raising the qualification of the employees. This will be done through a series of 49 seminars and 6 initiatives of a different nature. The trainings will be specialized, some of them will be innovative and will be based on an integrated principle - representatives of different stakeholders will be trained on a given topic using the same theoretical and practical approaches and methods of teaching. This will ensure maximizing the impact of passing on specific knowledge and skills relevant to the social inclusion, health care, equal opportunities, non-discrimination and working conditions policy. Initiatives - conferences, round tables, study visits, workshops, discussions, etc. will be focused on exchanging experiences and good practices, expanding the professional contacts of target group representatives and further developing and building on interinstitutional partnerships.

The target groups of the project cover a total of 1150 employees of administrations directly involved in formulating and / or implementing the policies in the labor market, working conditions, social inclusion, health, equal opportunities and non-discrimination.

The project also provides software updates and technical support for the web-based information and communication products of the CHRDRI - SmartNet, a distance learning platform, a Lecturer's club, an electronic library and internal and external Internet sites. The good functioning of these digital products is an important prerequisite for achieving a significant impact of the trainings and initiatives outlined above.

The objectives set for the implementation of specialized integrated training on topics, in accordance with the current aspects of the policies in the areas of competence of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, are expected to achieve greater effect than that of other traditionally conducted training services on the market, since the CHRDRI is a specialized centre for working on topics in the above-mentioned areas and it also successfully implements its unique complex methodology for using interactive methods and sharing experience and good practices in trainings. This will ensure the quality assimilation of the required amount of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills on the topics covered in the trainings to be implemented under the project Integrated Trainings for the Administration in Institutions, working on  the Labour Market and in the Social Sphere.